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Don't let your neck become a weak link

injury prevention injury recovery joint health mobility neckpain neckrehab physical therapy strength training Nov 26, 2022
neck strengthening and rehab exercise

Other than combat athletes, most people don't think about training that is dedicated to improving the strength and control of their neck. 

What I can tell you from a clinical perspective, is that a weak neck can lead to feelings of muscle tightness in the upper traps, tension headaches, dizziness, and decreased overall upper body performance. 

And if you needed even more motivation to train your neck, there is lots of emerging research that increased neck strength leads to decreased risk of concussion. 

So let's talk about how to start training your neck to support that 10-13 pound kettlebell that houses your brain :)

Where to start?

 Similar to other joints in the body, your neck has some muscles whose job it is 'to stabilize' and some muscle groups whose job it is 'to move'. We want to begin by reconnecting with the stabilizing muscles and learn to do this independent of the moving muscles. 

Step 1: The deep neck flexors are important stabilizers in the neck. They sit on the anterior (front) side and when activated, sort of feel like they are in your throat. Step 1 in developing control and stability of the neck is to learn how to engage these muscles via a movement called 'cervical retraction'. 

Watch this tutorial that gives some of cues I find useful in teaching clients how to engage their deep neck flexors



Step 2: Once you feel comfortable engaging the deep neck flexors without compensation from the muscles in the jaw, larger muscles in the neck, or scapular muscles, it is time to start working on endurance. We begin this training in a relatively neutral neck position to decrease demands. This is also a position that I use to "test" these muscles. I like to build up to a 30 second hold time (during that time full chin tuck or cervical retraction must be maintained). 

Start training endurance or testing where you are currently at with this video tutorial



Step 3:  As endurance from a neutral position starts to improve, you can then start to train through a greater range of motion. While this progression looks simple, remember that a head is relatively heavy and when you add gravity into the mix, this can become quite challenging. 

Train through full range of motion as shown in this video Remember to only train in the range that you can currently control



Step 4: Your training can then progress to either greater range of motion, more challenging positions, or by adding external resistance via a resistance band or with dedicated neck trainers. Just make sure you have taken the time to first build up a solid foundation as described in steps 1-3. If you jump straight to here, you are likely just training the "mover muscle groups" and will bypass the "stabilizers" that we desire. 

Interested in Joint and Mobility Training with me?

 My on demand platform, Upgrade Your Joints will give you all the tools and resources to start training proactively against unwanted pain and injury. Joint training classes are follow along with cueing provided in real time so you can train confidently and know exactly what to focus on. Follow preset programs or pick and choose the classes you want to take and when you want to take them. 

We have classes focused on the joints from the neck all the way down to the foot and ankle. 

I give you all the proactive training education and advice that I have learned over the past 12 years in the health and fitness industry. My ultimate goal is to help you remove physical barriers and limitations to movement so that you can continue in your career, fitness journey, active lifestyle etc...with less risk for injury and pain.

Click HERE to learn more. 

Stay strong, 


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